+358 40 726 4509 vesa.ylosmaki@elopart.com

Competitive Cost Countries

Competitive cost countries

Elopart Oy has the contact persons and the liable suppliers in Turkey, China and Estonia.

Depending on the Customer’s need we will find the best supplier for the Customer from these countries.
If the supplier is new, after sourcing-/quotation process we will audit the chosen supplier and verify the performance.

It’s also possible that the Customer attends to the auditing process or visits the supplier.

We are glad to tell you more about the suppliers after we know what you are looking for.

Contact infromation

Contact us and ask more!

Elopart Oy

Post and visiting address: Säästöpankinkatu 2
Warehouse address: Saksankatu 1
30100 Forssa

Business ID: 2177899-7

+358 40 726 4509


Contact us

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